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The Importance of Webpage Content

The Importance of Webpage Content

The importance of webpage content

Website page content is the key to any good website and it’s success.
All content should be concise, unique, informative, and relevant to the page subject matter.

Good quality content combined with good visuals and navigation leads to a good User Experience (UX) that is favoured by Google, therefore, contributing to SEO.

Good content will benefit ranking and attract users by providing quality information.

What is good Webpage Content?

Firstly, this depends on the website. What it is and what you are offering.

Content comes in many types and should always be unique.

Types of Content you should use according to the nature, aims and objectives of your website:

Marketing Content – Content used by sites to sell products and increase business.

Supportive content – Content used by a visitor to understand a topic discussed within a webpage.

Industry Based Content – Specialist content focused on industries, such as hospitality, telecommunication, etc.

Content specific for SEO – Content to include “key words” to assist the website ranking.

In conclusion

Content is King!
Keeping the content concise, specific and informative will be good for your visitors (UX) and favour your site with google.
Do not waffle with words to fill a page if you are short on content, always remain within the context of the webpage subject.

Basically – DO NOT COPY content from another website., google calls this duplicate content and will penalise your site for it. If you view other sites for ideas etc – ALWAYS re-write original content BUT do not copy.

User Experience (UX)
Google places great emphasis on a users experience whilst on a webpage regardless of device (Desktop, tables or Phone etc)