My Mate can do a cheaper website?
“My mate can do it cheaper” is a phrase I am sure many skilled tradesmen hear on submission of a quote to undertake skilled works for a potential customer. In the web design and digital marketing sector we are sometimes also loosing out to a prospects “mate”.
Other than offering advise on the pitfalls of taking such a route, it’s sometimes best to say nothing and let the prospect move forward as best they see fit.
My Mate struggled a bit, and I am nowhere to be seen on google
With over 25 years in the industry, our skill set is far more than just a pretty looking visual website as there are so many elements around a website that sadly, the prospects “mate” did not understand or even know about.
This often results in the prospect returning for help and further advise because his mates website is failing in many aspects (Bad UX, Not Mobile Friendly, No SSL, No SEO, No maintenance, Bad page load etc, etc, etc) and resulted in the website not doing their business justice.
We would always recommend you seek advice and guidance at the start of a web project from a local skilled developer.
My Mate used a reputable online web design system?
Don’t get me wrong, there are some really good online “Visual” low cost development systems around but it needs to be said that, having a pretty website is only a very small part of success. Such a site is useless if no one can see it or find it.
As stated above, only a skilled web developer can bolt together all the elements needed to make your site a success and be found in search engine rankings.

Questions to ask your “mate” prior to starting your website
- Will the website be fully optimised, and SEO fully addressed?
- If the website is created with a content management system (CMS), who will do the updating required for security reasons periodically?
- Will the hosting be fully secure?
- Will the website have a valid Security Certificate (SSL)
- Will the website be backed up regularly?
- Will images be optimised for page load speed and image names meet google guidelines?
- Will images be licenced?
- If your mate vanishes, can you get to your website to move to another host?
- Can your mate show you examples of his work?
- Can your mate show how an example of his work is performing in the search engines?
- Will your mate be handling your domain management?
- Will your mate be handling your Domain Email management?
- Will your mate manage any updates to the hosting platform (PHP updates etc)
- Will your mate keep analytic data of performance?
- Will your mate make necessary changes when google algorithms change?
This list could go on a lot further but I think the message is clear, always seek help and advice from a local established web developer – it could save you so much time, money, stress and heartache.
A web presence is an important part of nearly every business in this day and age, would you want to risk the reputation of your business with a mate?
Inline Data – Web Design Mansfield
We are happy to quote for any web project or digital marketing you may be looking into. Furthermore, we are happy to offer help and advice should you need it – Put the kettle on, it wont cost you anything to talk.